G3 is organised in 4 sections in peacetime.

G3 Plans

G3 Plans is the Section responsible for the co-ordination of all operational short-term planning and all operational guidelines, manuals and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). It includes areas such as close, deep and rear operations, special operations, psychological operations (PSYOPS) and Information Operations (INFO OPS).

The G3 Branch’s brains are tasked with foreseeing operations in the future and thinking over all possible ways of action within the very strict frame of order writing.

G3 has in peacetime a PSYOPS and an INFO OPS cell, that during crisis times are able to conduct psychological operations and Information Operations respectively.

The G3 Plans section manages the Decision-Making Process (DMP) and the Corps Battle Rhythm. The co-operation, co-ordination and liaison with the higher echelon, LNOs to the HQ EC, Air and Naval Component are conducted within G3 Plans.


In around 2010, G3 Plans changed into the JEC. Joint Effects Centre


JEC has to support the operations by synchronizing, coordinating and prioritizing lethal and non-lethal actions taken into account all dimensions of the engagement space in order to achieve the desired effects leading to a pre-defined end state.  This task is performed in close coordination with other functional areas, such as Information Operations (InfoOps), Psychological operations (PsyOps), G3 Air, Fire Support Coordination Centre (FSCC), Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC), and PAO (Public Affairs Office).