The Australian Army Intelligence Corps is the home of modern Australian Army PSYOPS.
1 Intelligence Battalion, headquartered in Sydney's Paddington Barracks with sub-units located
through-out Australia is the main unit that provides the PSYOPS function.
1 Int Bn was incepted in Janaury 2000 and has particpated in 16 overseas and domestic operations.
It's main mission is to deploy a bropad range of intelligence specialisations including Field Human Intelligence,
PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS, Protective Security and Regional Human Intelligence.
PSYOPS is not new to the Australian miliatry. A dedicated PSYOPS unit was active in the Vietnam War:
The 1st Psychological Operations Unit served from: to .
1st Psychological Operations Unit - Vietnam War
1 INTELLIGENCE BN - home of the modern Aussie PSYOPS capability
1 INT BN Slouch Hat Puggaree Patch
The objective of Australian PSYOPS is to convey information to audiences in an effort to influence their emotions, motives,
objective reasoning and ultimately the behaviour of organisational groups and individuals, by using the primary tools of sight and sound.
Aussie PSYOPS Teams incorporate Royal Australian Engineers Illustrator Reprographic Sappers (Multi Media Technicians or MMTs) who design
the posters, pamphlets, leaflets and instruction cards, such as gun amnesty posters, how to surrender leaflets etc. Aside from Print Media, Aussie
PSYOPS also broadcasts their messages using loudpseakers, which can be man-pack or vehicle mounted.
The BN Motto: 'Periculum aliis arceate' means 'keeping others from danger' underpins the battalion's ethos and comitment to it's ultimate goal of
providing both operational and domestic security.
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